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Whitney Smith Big Steam Band
with Michelle Doyle & Deekaye Ibomeka
Community Records, 2004, C1231
Music and Lyrics by Whitney Smith
Arranged by Andrew Jones, Jason Logue, John MacLeod, Jim McGrath and
Jake Wilkinson
Produced by Whitney Smith & Sharon Smith
Mixed and Mastered by Jeff Wolpert
Recorded by John Bailey and George Seara.

On September 26 and October 24, 2005 the Big Steam Band with Michelle Doyle and Deekaye Ibomeka gathered at Phase One Studios in Toronto to record the new album, “Life Drawing.” Both sessions were Sunday morning calls (only because there was no other time when everyone was free), but the energy is what we wanted it to be. Amazing what can happen when a bunch of fine players get launched by a count-in. “Steam Engine” was the second track we did on the first day and it appears that everyone was fairly awake by that point. Ah, fresh coffee and a fresh brain.

We’re proud of this album because we feel it provides some new perspectives on the big band sound without sacrificing the qualities that makes big band music thrilling and gorgeous. Many thanks to our arrangers for their soulful craft and invention while deepening the essence of the tune.

This album is not like any other album, we guarantee that. We were determined this time around to present nothing but our own music, and though standards are great comfort food we think there’s a lot to discover in the new work that might take more effort to consume.We hope you enjoy the strong and truthful singing from Michelle and Deekaye, and gutsy solos and section playing from the band. And if you feel like it, let us know what you think. We’re always ready to listen.

— Whitney Smith

To purchase the Whitney Smith Big Steam Band's new album, "Life Drawing," click here.

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